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Selecting the reading window background

In order to change the reading window background of the book, navigate to quick settings

Выбор фона окна чтения

Tap on “Page background” item, after that 3 variants will be available to you:

  • Solid color
  • Ready backgrounds
  • Choose file

Выбор фона окна чтения

  1. Solid color

    Here you may select any of the offered color variants, choose the color from the palette, or specify particular color or tint by manually entering the color code in the corresponding field.

  2. Выбор фона окна чтения
  3. Ready backgrounds

    Select accessible textures for the background from the list, by tapping on the download pictogram, and clicking on the background title for its application after that.

  4. Выбор фона окна чтения
  5. Choose file

    In order to add your own, custom image as the background for the pages, select this item, and then choose an image, which you wish to be downloaded.

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